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Véhicule récréatif Caravane à sellette Prime Time Crusader 335RLP Dusk 335RLP 2022 à vendre



A HIGHER STANDARD Within us all, there’s a calling to achieve ever-greater things a search for a higher standard. In creating Crusader, we asked our engineers and design team to throw caution to the wind and engage in serious outside the box thinking. We challenged them to think beyond the status quo and reach for product innovations not currently offered. We said, Make Crusader a new icon for the 21st century. Needless to say, they took the challenge to heart. The result of their efforts represents a new standard in fifth wheels... A HIGHER STANDARD... Crusader. Crusader 330MBH Named "Best of Show" for 2019 by RV News! OTHER ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS: CRUSADER LITE Financement disponible en succursale.


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